The ABHgenotypeR R package to easily visualize and manipulate ABH genotypes.
The ABHgenotypeR
package provides simple imputation,
error-correction and plotting capacities for genotype data. The function
in this package were initially developed for the GBS/QTL analysis
pipeline described in:
Furuta, Reuscher et. al., 2016 Adaption genotyping by sequencing for rice F2 populations. BMC Genomics XYZ
The ABHgenotypeR
package is supposed to serve as an
intermediate but independent analysis tool between the TASSEL GBS
pipeline and the qtl
package. ABHgenotypeR
provides functionalities not found in either TASSEL or qtl
in addition to visualization of genotypes as “graphical genotypes”.
Plotting is based on ggplot2.
CRAN V1.0.0 contains a bug which missorts markers, install from git for now
from CRAN:
or from github:
#needs "devtools"
install_github("StefanReuscher/ABHgenotypeR", build_vignettes = TRUE)
for more information run:
vignette("ABHgenotypeR-vignette", package = "ABHgenotypeR")