Removed vignette as it just contained a copy of the PsyArxiv preprint. Included Psychometrika article citation and link info in readme file (as well as a demo video link).
Included GITHUB link on README
Included notes on rJava installation on README
Fixed a bug in CBS_ITC.R where the length of ypos was incorrectly
Fixed README and NEWS so that the line carriage is preceeded by two
Moved example codes in README into documentations of CBS_ITC and
Modified DESCRIPTION file to contain shorter description.
Fixed the first sentence of DESCRIPTION so that it does not start
with “This package”, package name, title or similar.
Fixed reference to this package in DESCRIPTION to ‘CBSr’.
Converted all instances of print() to either message() or warning()
depending on the nature of the message.
Replaced all instances of ‘%’ in Rd files into ‘\%’ in order to avoid
commenting out the line.
Replaced the vignette manuscript to an updated version on PsyArXiv.
Fixed faulty .Rbuildignore file so that java directory is included in
the build.
Fixed URL in README.
Fixed title in DESCRIPTION into title case.
Initial submission to CRAN.