has been replaced by sar
has been replaced by sart
has been replaced by cdnet
has been replaced by
has been replaced by
has been replaced by
has been replaced by
.It is now possible to estimate the SART model under rational expectations. In the previous version, the SART model is only available under complete information.
This version follows the major revision of the paper in September 2022. - The count data model includes a more flexible specification. Especially, it is possible to assume that the cut points are not equally spaced for large values of the dependent variable. - I also implement a network formation model with degree heterogeneity as fixed effects (see Yan et al., 2019). - Models under incomplete information are now estimated using LBFGS algorithm of the package RcppNumerical. Thus, the optimization is performed in C++ and is very fast compared to the version 1.0.1.
Note and Warning found in the check for MACOS have been fixed
R defaulted to C++11 in R 4.0.0, to C++14 in R 4.2.0 and to C++17.
Fixed effect is allowed in the model SAR.
has been changed to
for the random effect models.homophily.FE
has heen changed to
can be one side or two
can be one side or two
is added to convert data
between directed network models and symmetric network models.cdnet
now allows
heterogeneity in peer effects. For example peer effects can be estimated
between Blacks and Whites, Girls and Boys etc.cdnet
allows heterogeneity in the cut-points. The cost
function in the utility function is nonparametric and depends on some
characteristics X such as gender, race, etc.