0.3.3 (Release date: 2024-01-25)
- Bugfix in Subset() for drop = T, didn’t have correct given output
dimension therefore returned error. It happened when the output
dimension is 1 and the length is > 1.
0.3.2 (Release date: 2023-06-01)
- Remove climdex.pcic dependency
0.3.1 (Release date: 2023-03-23)
- Subset(): Prioritize the dimension names from names(dim(x)) rather
than attribute ‘dimensions’; If the input data doesn’t have dimension
names, the output doesn’t have either.
0.3.0 (Release date: 2023-02-28)
- SelBox() and ShiftLon() to accept non-numerical data input
- SelBox() uses the latitude and longitude dimension name instead of
- WeightedMean() uses multiApply::Apply inside
0.2.1 (Release date: 2022-12-01)
- Fix the mistake that function “WeightedCells” was not included in
the last submission.
0.2.0 (Release date: 2022-11-04)
- New functions: ShiftLon, WeightedCells
- Bugfix of Subset() when only one dimension left after subsetting and
when parameter “indices” is not a list.
- Bugfix of WeightedMean() at the grid points that are across positive
and negative longitudes.