ERPM is the software implementation of the statistical model outlined in:
Hoffman, M., Block, P., & Snijders, T. A. (2023). Modeling partitions of individuals. Sociological Methodology, 53(1), 1-41.
Link to the study in Sociological Methodology.
The model allows for the analysis of emergent group compositions in partitions, i.e., sets of non-overlapping groups. For a given partition of individuals (or nodes, to follow the language of network analysis), we can use this model to understand group formation processes that led to the observation of this partition, based on individual attributes, relations between individuals, and size-related factors. It can be seen as an extension of Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGMs) to the case of partition objects. With this package, one can either simulate this model or estimate its parameters for a given dataset.
This package also provides a longitudinal extension of the model, for a list of partitions, where each partition depends on the previous partitions. It follows the definition proposed in:
Hoffman, M., & Chabot, T. (2023). The role of selection in socioeconomic homophily: Evidence from an adolescent summer camp. Social Networks, 74, 259-274.
The ERPM Manual is available here on github in the documentation folder.
The package and the documentation might still have bugs or errors, or you might not be able to do what you want. In that case, or if you are unsure please create an issue here or directly send an email to the package maintainer (marion.hoffman[at]
We are currently (Mar 2024) on version 0.1.0 on github.
You can install ERPM either from GitHub or from CRAN.
# from GitHub:
# install.packages("remotes")
::install_github("stocnet/ERPM") remotes
# from CRAN:
In this section, we outline a simple example with synthetic data.
Let us define a set of n = 6 nodes with three attributes (label, gender, and age), and an arbitrary covariate matrix (friendship). We create the following dataframe.
<- 6
n <- data.frame(label = c("A","B","C","D","E","F"),
nodes gender = c(1,1,2,1,2,2),
age = c(20,22,25,30,30,31))
<- matrix(c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,
friendship 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), 6, 6, TRUE)
We consider a partition for these 6 individuals. We define a vector with six elements, indicating the id of each individual’s group.
<- c(1,1,2,2,2,3) partition
First, we need to choose the effects (i.e., explaining variables) we want to include. For example we set four (which is of course not reasonable for 6 nodes): 1. “num_groups”: tendency to form more groups 2. “same” (for the gender covariate): tendency to form groups with individuals with the same gender 3. “diff” (for the age covariate): tendency to form groups with individuals with high age differences 4. “tie” (for the friendship covariate): tendency to form groups with friends
<- list(names = c("num_groups","same","diff","tie"),
effects objects = c("partition","gender","age","friendship"))
<- list()
objects 1]] <- list(name = "friendship", object = friendship) objects[[
The effect objects should contain names of pre-written functions in the package (see manual for all effect names) as well as objects they are referring to (either the partition, or covariates). When objects are not individual covariates, we need to create an additional list to store these extra objects.
The parameters of the model can be estimated using Maximum-likelihood estimation (equivalent to the Method of Moment estimation). For more details on the parametrization of the estimation algorithm, see the manual.
<- estimate_ERPM(partition,
effects, startingestimates = c(-1.5,0.2,-0.2,0.2),
burnin = 100,
thining = 20,
length.p1 = 500, # number of samples in phase 1
multiplication.iter.p2 = 20, # multiplication factor for the number of iteration in phase 2 subphases
num.steps.p2 = 4, # number of phase 2 subphases
length.p3 = 1000) # number of samples in phase 3
estimation#> effect object est std.err conv
#> 1 num_groups partition -1.7227170 2.1461381 0.002953806
#> 2 same gender 0.4383805 1.3031423 -0.003575942
#> 3 diff age -0.1900982 0.1493854 0.057271044
#> 4 tie friendship 0.1845696 1.8675821 -0.007750238
We can check how the model reproduces statistics of the observed data by simulating the estimated model. We can also use this function to simulate theoretical models.
<- 1000
nsimulations <- draw_Metropolis_single(theta = estimation$results$est,
simulations first.partition = partition,
nodes = nodes,
effects = effects,
objects = objects,
burnin = 100,
thining = 20,
num.steps = nsimulations,
neighborhood = c(1,1,1),
sizes.allowed = 1:n,
sizes.simulated = 1:n,
return.all.partitions = T)
Finally, we can estimate the log-likelihood and AIC of the model (useful to compare two models for example). First we need to estimate the ML estimates of a simple model with only one parameter for number of groups (this parameter should be in the model!).
<- function(x){ exp(x*max(partition)) / compute_numgroups_denominator(n,x)}
likelihood_function curve(likelihood_function, from=-2, to=0)
<- optimize(likelihood_function, interval=c(-2, 0), maximum=TRUE)
parameter_base <- c(parameter_base$maximum,0,0,0) parameters_basemodel
Then we can get our estimated logL and AIC.
<- estimate_logL(partition,
objects,theta = estimation$results$est,
theta_0 = parameters_basemodel,
M = 3,
num.steps = 200,
burnin = 100,
thining = 20)
logL_AIC#> [,1]
#> [1,] -4.342806
logL_AIC#> [,1]
#> [1,] 0.6856111
For more details on the longitudinal version of the model or other functions, have a look at the manual in the documentation folder or the example script in the scripts folder.