version 1.0.9
- A CITATION file was added to facilitate citing this package.
- Slight textual modifications were made and the section “How to cite
this work” was added.
- Set up an README.Rmd which is new rendered into the
- Added an R-CMD-check, a CRAN and an codecov badge.
- Changes to the URL of CHELSA version 2 necessitated this patch.
Replacing the expired URLs within the automated tests with the latest
fixed this problem.
- The expired CHELSA URLs were replaced in the examples explained in
the vignettes.
- The text of the whole vignettes was revised to make things more
clear and easier to read.
- A bug in one of the examples was fixed.
Minor corrections
- An updated URL for how to register a Google API key was inserted
into the warning message of the ‘plot_distr’ function.
- The expired CHELSA URLs were replaced in the examples (all labeled
with ‘donttest{}’).
- Corrected formatting issues and typos in the file.
version 1.0.8
Description file improvement
- Corrected a reference and added DOI.
- Replaced the “WGS 84” abbreviation with “World Geodetic System
- Replaced ‘dontrun{}’ with ‘donttest{}’, where necessary.
- Added ‘donttest{}’ if data is downloaded or the execution time is to
- Removed unnecessary comments like: “Additional examples that are not
executed because they take too long to run”.
- Updated the installation guideline in the
Minor corrections
version 1.0.7
Minor improvements
- Added DOI to a reference in the vignettes file.
- Replaced CRANE package links with a canonical form.
- Corrected a typo.
- Shortened three examples.
version 1.0.6
Bug fixes
- I fixed three errors that only appeared under Linux systems: the
examples testing, the tests, and the built failed. All
three errors were caused by a GDAL error, changing the option from
‘terra::rast’ solved the problem. This option pastes “/vsicurl/” before
the URL and properly enables the GDAL virtual file system.
#Example old function call
gst <- terra::rast(gstURL)
#Example new function call
gst <- terra::rast(gstURL, vsi = TRUE)
version 1.0.5
Prepare CRANE upload
- Removed old rgdal dependencies.
version setup
- Added creation with newsmd.