* version 1.1-0
* fixed to come back on the CRAN
* version 1.0-3
* add the package vignettes
* version 1.0-2
* in folder "R"
1) revise function one_two_sample():
in the place "Interval estimation and test of hypothesis of mu1-mu2";
add graphics.off();
add attr(x, "DNAME") = deparse(substitute(x))
2) revise function one_sample():
add dev.new();
revise hist paragraph;
revise DNAME = if (!is.null(attr(x, "DNAME"))) attr(x, "DNAME") else deparse(substitute(x))
* add a "tests" folder: add a file "tests_OneTwoSamples.R"
* in folder "man"
1) revise one_sample.Rd: in the places \item{mu} and \item{sigma}
* version 1.0-1
* Create the package OneTwoSamples