PROscorerTools: Tools to Score Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) and Other
Psychometric Measures
Provides a reliable and flexible toolbox to score
patient-reported outcome (PRO), Quality of Life (QOL), and other
psychometric measures. The guiding philosophy is that scoring errors can
be eliminated by using a limited number of well-tested, well-behaved
functions to score PRO-like measures. The workhorse of the package is
the 'scoreScale' function, which can be used to score most single-scale
measures. It can reverse code items that need to be reversed before
scoring and pro-rate scores for missing item data. Currently, three
different types of scores can be output: summed item scores, mean item
scores, and scores scaled to range from 0 to 100. The 'PROscorerTools'
functions can be used to write new functions that score more complex
measures. In fact, 'PROscorerTools' functions are the building blocks of
the scoring functions in the 'PROscorer' package (which is a repository
of functions that score specific commonly-used instruments). Users are
encouraged to use 'PROscorerTools' to write scoring functions for their
favorite PRO-like instruments, and to submit these functions for
inclusion in 'PROscorer' (a tutorial vignette will be added soon). The
long-term vision for the 'PROscorerTools' and 'PROscorer' packages is to
provide an easy-to-use system to facilitate the incorporation of PRO
measures into research studies in a scientifically rigorous and
reproducible manner. These packages and their vignettes are intended to
help establish and promote "best practices" for scoring and describing
PRO-like measures in research.
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