V5: Web search engines

Patrice Kiener



RWsearch stands for « Search in R packages, task views, CRAN and in the Web ».

This vignette introduces the following features cited in the README file:

.13. Use some bookmarks to various websites and search engines. Keywords can be typed directly in the R console and are sent to the search engine, then displayed in your browser. The list of the search engines is expected to grow (with your help).

Explore the web

Web search engines are major tools to explore the web. Some search engines explores the full web when some other search engines are restricted to a specific website. To remember their favorite search engines, people record them as bookmarks (favorites) in their browser. Why not store them directly in a R package and hide in the R functions the specific syntax of each search engine? This is the W of RWsearch.

This version of RWsearch has aleady referred more then 60 web search engines. We expect this number to grow thanks to the contribution of everyone.

The generic function

Function Comment
h_ttp() The generic function
Function Comment
h_R() R-project
h_Rml() R mailing lists
h_Rnews() R devel NEWS
h_Rversions() R versions
h_cran(repos) CRAN
h_cranbydate(repos) CRAN by date
h_cranbyname(repos) CRAN by name
h_cranchecks(repos) CRAN checks
h_crancheckwindows(repos) CRAN Windows checks
h_crantv(repos) CRAN task views
h_cranstatus() CRAN mirror status
h_cranberries() Cranberries Dirk Eddelbuettel
h_gepuro() R packages on GitHub
h_rbloggers() R-bloggers
h_rdoc() RDocumentation packages
h_rdoctv() RDocumentation task views
h_rdrr() Rdrr.io
h_rseek() Rseek
h_biocstats() Bioconductor statistics
Function Comment
h_academie() Académie française’s dictionary
h_deepl() 24 translation engines
h_etz() EveryTimeZone
h_framasoft() Framasoft web services
h_framasoft0() Framasoft main page
h_googletranslate() 63 translation engines
h_interglot() 6 x 5 translation engines
h_lexilogos() Hundreds of dictionaries
h_linguee() Multilingual translation engine
h_meteoblue() Meteoblue weather and meteo
h_promt() 20 translation engines
h_reverso() 13 x 12 translation engines
h_systran() 42 translation engines
h_tad() Time and Date: Create event
h_tadsm() Time and Date
h_windy() Windy weather and meteo
h_yacy() Decentralized web search software

wse: web search engines

Function Comment
h_abcbourse() stock markets France + EU
h_arxiv() arXiv
h_arxivpdf() arXiv (pdf)
h_ask() wse
h_baidu() wse China
h_blackle() wse in reverse colours
h_bing() wse
h_biorxiv() bioRxiv
h_biorxivpdf() bioRxiv (pdf)
h_bmap() world maps Bing
h_boursorama() stock markets French + EU
h_cnrtl() dictionary France
h_collins() dictionary English
h_crossref() academic: publication metadata
h_cpan() CPAN + metacpan PERL
h_ctan() CTAN Latex
h_daum() wse Korea
h_ddg() wse Duck Duck Go
h_dm() video Daily Motion
h_doi() DOI redirection
h_ecosia() wse + wood + forestry
h_egerin() wse Kurdish language
h_estrep() journal Est Républicain
h_evene() French citations in Evene
h_exalead() wse
h_excite() wse
h_framabee() wse France
h_gigablast() wse
h_github() Github
h_gitlab() Gitlab
h_gmap() world maps Google
h_google() wse
h_gscholar() academic
h_ianaTLD() IANA TLD root domains
h_ianaWHOIS() IANA WHOIS service
h_info() wse see startpage
h_ixquick() wse see startpage
h_khoj() wse Iran
h_lesechos() journal Les Échos
h_lilo() wse
h_lt() journal La Tribune
h_lycos() wse
h_mappy() world maps + yellow pages
h_mw() dictionary Merriam-Webster
h_nabble() wse
h_nate() wse Korea see Daum
h_naver() wse Korea
h_orcid() Orcid
h_osm() world maps Open Street Maps
h_osmn() world maps OSM Nominatim
h_parsijoo() wse Iran
h_peertube() video Peertube
h_peru() wse Peru
h_pipilika() wse Bengladesh
h_qwant() wse
h_qwfr() wse France
h_reverso_d() dictionaries 13 languages
h_sapo() wse Portugal
h_searx() wse
h_so() Stack Overflow
h_sogou() wse China
h_ssrn() SSRN
h_ssrnauth() SSRN (author)
h_startpage() wse
h_twfr() Twitter France
h_twitter() Twitter
h_un() journal L’Usine Nouvelle
h_verbes() dictionary France
h_via() world maps Via Michelin
h_vimeo() video Vimeo
h_wego() world maps Wego Here
h_wp() Wikipedia
h_wpfr() Wikipedia French
h_yahoo() wse
h_yahoofin() Yahoo Finance (stock)
h_yandex() wse
h_yooz() wse Iran
h_yt() video Youtube
h_zbib() ZoteroBib

Suggest new search engines

We wish this number to grow thanks to the contribution of everyone. Feel free to suggest me some new links.