Version 2023.5.22
Version 2023.5.16
- Removing
Version 2023.4.26
is now 1.5x faster due to
using the upgraded cstime
package that now uses binary
searches. An 80 million row dataset is now processed in 2 minutes,
instead of 3.
Version 2023.4.25
is now 6x faster due to
using the upgraded cstime
package that now uses
. An 80 million row dataset
is now processed in 3 minutes, instead of 20.
Version 2022.1.17
- Dataset norway_covid19_cases_by_time_location renamed to
- Dataset norway_covid19_icu_and_hospitalization renamed to
Version 2022.5.31
- In csfmt_rts_v1, age now uses underscores instead of hyphens so that
valid variable names are generated when converting to wide-format.
Version 2022.5.25
- Dataset covid19_msis_cases_by_time_location renamed to
- In csfmt_rts_v1, the granularity_time for “an ongoing event” was
changed from event_*9999_01_01 to event*_9999_09_09. This was
done because isoyear for 9999-01-01 is 9998 (which is confusing), while
isoyear for 9999-09-09 is 9999 (which makes sense).
- In csfmt_rts_v1, the missing value for sex and age was changed to
“missing” instead of NA_character_. This was chosen because
NA_character_ requires special manipulation functions ( which
makes post-processing of data less efficient for the end-user.
- In csfmt_rts_v1, cstidy::heal now works when
Version 2022.5.19
- Dataset covid19_msis_cases_by_time_location included, containing
number of Covid19 cases from MSIS registry. The locations are for both
national and county level. The percentage per 100.000 population is
included. The time period is between 2020-02-21 and 2022-05-03 (data
extracted on 2022-05-04).
Version 2022.5.5
- Dataset norway_covid19_icu_and_hospitalization included, containing
admissions to the ICU with a positive PCR test and number of new
hospitalizations with Covid-19 as the primary cause between 2020-02-21
and 2022-05-03 (data extracted 2022-05-04).
Version 2022.4.26
- save_cs, read_cs functions to save/read data efficiently, allowing
passwordless encryption.
Version 2022.4.22
- print.csfmt_rts_data_v1 now automatically rounds numerics to 4
decimal places
Version 2022.4.7
- unique_time_series function added.