eCV: Enhanced Coefficient of Variation and IDR Extensions for
Reproducibility Assessment
Reproducibility assessment is essential in extracting reliable scientific
insights from high-throughput experiments. While the Irreproducibility
Discovery Rate (IDR) method has been instrumental in assessing
reproducibility, its standard implementation is constrained to handling
only two replicates. Package 'eCV' introduces an enhanced Coefficient of
Variation (eCV) metric to assess the likelihood of omic features being
reproducible. Additionally, it offers alternatives to the Irreproducible
Discovery Rate (IDR) calculations for multi-replicate experiments.
These tools are valuable for analyzing high-throughput data in genomics
and other omics fields. The methods implemented in 'eCV' are described
in Gonzalez-Reymundez et al., (2023) <doi:10.1101/2023.12.18.572208>.
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