House finch conjunctivitis, caused by the bacterium Mycoplasma gallisepticum, blazed a devastating trail through eastern populations of the house finch Haemorhous mexicanus when it first emerged in 1994. In this vignette, we will run a simulation of this epizootic.
Please note that this is just an example and is not meant to accurately represent the disease dynamics of house finch conjunctivitis.
First, we load epizootic
and set the number of
simulations. For the purposes of this vignette, it will be one
simulation, but if you want to try running more on your own, you can
increase the number. We also set parallel_cores
to 1 so the
simulations run sequentially, but if you want to run them in parallel
for yourself, just increase the number. We will run the simulation for
23 timesteps.
Then, we load the region object. This is crucial to
any epizootic
simulation, as it defines the study region in
#> class : RasterLayer
#> dimensions : 106, 161, 17066 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
#> resolution : 46375.21, 46375.21 (x, y)
#> extent : -3741268, 3725142, -2277277, 2638496 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> crs : +proj=aea +lat_0=34.5 +lon_0=-94.5 +lat_1=21.5 +lat_2=47.5 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
#> source : memory
#> names : layer
#> values : 1, 6355 (min, max)
region <- Region$new(template_raster = finch_region)
raster::plot(region$region_raster, colNA = "blue",
main = "Study Region")
We also need to load in data on the breeding season length of the house finch, which will define the season lengths of the simulation throughout the house finch range.
Here we load data on habitat suitability for the house finch in North America from 1994 to 2016. Habitat suitability is scored from 0 to 1, where 1 is the most suitable.
raster::plot(habitat_suitability, colNA = "blue",
main = "Habitat Suitability")
Finally, we will load an initial abundance of house finches to start the simulation in 1994. I generated this initial abundance in a preliminary round of population modeling, and I cannot guarantee that it accurately reflects real house finch abundances in 1994.
region$raster_from_values(initial_abundance[1, ]) |>
raster::plot(colNA = "blue", main = "Susceptible Juveniles")
Note that this initial abundance is not ready to be entered into the simulation, because we must first add infected individuals in Washington, D.C., which is where the first house finches with symptoms were observed. We will do this in step 3, below.
The DiseaseModel
object stores fixed parameters: model
parameters that do not change from simulation to simulation. These
determine some very important settings for the simulation.
model_template <- DiseaseModel$new(
simulation_function = "disease_simulator",
region = region,
time_steps = timesteps,
populations = region$region_cells,
replicates = 1,
stages = 2, # life cycle stages
compartments = 4, # disease compartments
seasons = 2, # seasons in a year
mortality_unit = list(c(1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0), # is mortality seasonal
c(1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)), # or daily?
fecundity_unit = rep(1, 8), # is fecundity seasonal or daily?
fecundity_mask = rep(c(0, 1), 4), # which stages/compartments reproduce
transmission_unit = rep(0, 4), # Is transmission rate seasonal or daily?
transmission_mask = c(1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0), # which compartments can become # infected
recovery_unit = rep(0, 4), # is recovery rate seasonal or daily?
recovery_mask = c(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1), # which compartments can recover
breeding_season_length = bsl_raster,
hs = habitat_suitability,
abundance = initial_abundance,
dispersal_type = "stages", # indicates that life cycle stages disperse
# differently
simulation_order = list(c("transition", "season_functions", "results"),
c("dispersal", "season_functions", "results")),
results_selection = c("abundance"), # what do want included in the result?
results_breakdown = "segments", # are the results broken down by life cycle
# stage, disease compartment, or both?
season_functions = list(siri_model_summer, siri_model_winter),
verbose = FALSE,
random_seed = 648,
attribute_aliases = list(
mortality_Sj_summer = "mortality$summer$a",
mortality_Sa_summer = "mortality$summer$b",
mortality_I1j_summer = "mortality$summer$c",
mortality_I1a_summer = "mortality$summer$d",
mortality_Rj_summer = "mortality$summer$e",
mortality_Ra_summer = "mortality$summer$f",
mortality_I2j_summer = "mortality$summer$g",
mortality_I2a_summer = "mortality$summer$h",
mortality_Sj_winter = "mortality$winter$a",
mortality_Sa_winter = "mortality$winter$b",
mortality_I1j_winter = "mortality$winter$c",
mortality_I1a_winter = "mortality$winter$d",
mortality_Rj_winter = "mortality$winter$e",
mortality_Ra_winter = "mortality$winter$f",
mortality_I2j_winter = "mortality$winter$g",
mortality_I2a_winter = "mortality$winter$h",
beta_Sj_summer = "transmission$summer$a",
beta_Sa_summer = "transmission$summer$b",
beta_Rj_summer = "transmission$summer$c",
beta_Ra_summer = "transmission$summer$d",
beta_Sj_winter = "transmission$winter$a",
beta_Sa_winter = "transmission$winter$b",
beta_Rj_winter = "transmission$winter$c",
beta_Ra_winter = "transmission$winter$d",
recovery_I1j_summer = "recovery$summer$a",
recovery_I1a_summer = "recovery$summer$b",
recovery_I2j_summer = "recovery$summer$c",
recovery_I2a_summer = "recovery$summer$d",
recovery_I1j_winter = "recovery$winter$a",
recovery_I1a_winter = "recovery$winter$b",
recovery_I2j_winter = "recovery$winter$c",
recovery_I2a_winter = "recovery$winter$d",
dispersal1 = "dispersal$a",
dispersal2 = "dispersal$b"
We can test whether the DiseaseModel object is complete (has everything it needs for simulation) and consistent (all inputs are consistent with each other and will not throw errors in the simulator function.)
Some of the parameters will vary from simulation to simulation. We are going to run only one simulation for this example, but we will go through the process of generating a stratified sample so that if you want to run this vignette on your own with more than one simulation, you will get a sample of variable parameters appropriate to your number of simulations.
Latin Hypercube Sampling, which comes to us from the
LatinHypercubeSampler class in poems
, allows us to
thoroughly sample across parameter space in a balanced way.
lhs_generator <- LatinHypercubeSampler$new()
# Dispersal parameters
lhs_generator$set_beta_parameter("dispersal_p_juv", alpha = 9.834837,
beta = 2.019125)
lhs_generator$set_beta_parameter("dispersal_p_adult", alpha = 1.5685,
beta = 2.365266)
lhs_generator$set_truncnorm_parameter("dispersal_r_juv", lower = 0, upper = 1500,
mean = 725.9071, sd = sqrt(204006.6))
lhs_generator$set_normal_parameter("dispersal_r_adult", mean = 679.4172,
sd = sqrt(18594.59))
lhs_generator$set_uniform_parameter("dispersal_source_n_k_cutoff", lower = 0,
upper = 1)
lhs_generator$set_uniform_parameter("dispersal_source_n_k_threshold", lower = 0,
upper = 1)
lhs_generator$set_uniform_parameter("dispersal_target_n_k_cutoff", lower = 0,
upper = 1)
lhs_generator$set_uniform_parameter("dispersal_target_n_k_threshold", lower = 0,
upper = 1)
# Population growth parameters
lhs_generator$set_uniform_parameter("abundance_threshold", lower = 0, upper = 25, decimals = 0)
lhs_generator$set_uniform_parameter("initial_release", lower = 5, upper = 50, decimals = 0)
lhs_generator$set_uniform_parameter("density_max", lower = 186000, upper = 310000, decimals = 0)
lhs_generator$set_poisson_parameter("fecundity", lambda = 8.509018)
# Transmission parameters
lhs_generator$set_uniform_parameter("beta_Sa_winter", lower = 0, upper = 0.07588)
lhs_generator$set_uniform_parameter("beta_Sa_summer", lower = 0, upper = 0.007784)
lhs_generator$set_triangular_parameter("Sj_multiplier", lower = 0, upper = 8.5,
mode = 3)
lhs_generator$set_beta_parameter("beta_I2_modifier", alpha = 1.547023,
beta = 0.4239236)
# Mortality parameters
lhs_generator$set_beta_parameter("mortality_Sj_winter", alpha = 3.962104,
beta = 2.228683)
lhs_generator$set_beta_parameter("mortality_Sa_winter", alpha = 21.89136,
beta = 19.59278)
lhs_generator$set_beta_parameter("mortality_Sj_summer", alpha = 14.51403,
beta = 21.53632)
lhs_generator$set_beta_parameter("mortality_I1j_summer", alpha = 2.756404,
beta = 62.47181)
lhs_generator$set_beta_parameter("mortality_I1j_winter", alpha = 2.756404,
beta = 62.47181)
lhs_generator$set_beta_parameter("mortality_I1a_summer", alpha = 1.771183,
beta = 27.19457)
lhs_generator$set_beta_parameter("mortality_I1a_winter", alpha = 1.678424,
beta = 41.15975)
lhs_generator$set_beta_parameter("mortality_I2_modifier", alpha = 1.033367,
beta = 3.505319)
# Recovery parameters
lhs_generator$set_beta_parameter("recovery_I1", alpha = 9.347533,
beta = 620.1732)
lhs_generator$set_beta_parameter("recovery_I2", alpha = 1.181112,
beta = 29.18489)
# How many birds are infected in DC at timestep 1?
lhs_generator$set_uniform_parameter("infected_t1", lower = 1, upper = 20, decimals = 0)
sample_data <- lhs_generator$generate_samples(number = nsims,
random_seed = 630)
sample_data$sample <- 1:nsims
sample_data$mortality_Sa_summer <- 0
sample_data$mortality_I2j_summer <- sample_data$mortality_I2_modifier * sample_data$mortality_I1j_summer
sample_data$mortality_I2j_winter <- sample_data$mortality_I2_modifier * sample_data$mortality_I1j_winter
sample_data$mortality_I2a_winter <- sample_data$mortality_I2_modifier * sample_data$mortality_I1a_winter
sample_data$mortality_I2a_summer <- sample_data$mortality_I2_modifier * sample_data$mortality_I1a_summer
sample_data$mortality_Rj_summer <- sample_data$mortality_Sj_summer
sample_data$mortality_Ra_summer <- sample_data$mortality_Sa_summer
sample_data$mortality_Rj_winter <- sample_data$mortality_Sj_winter
sample_data$mortality_Ra_winter <- sample_data$mortality_Sa_winter
#> dispersal_p_juv dispersal_p_adult dispersal_r_juv
#> 1 0.9085645 0.5570444 1111.798
#> dispersal_r_adult dispersal_source_n_k_cutoff
#> 1 797.6146 0.08639626
#> dispersal_source_n_k_threshold
#> 1 0.9124628
#> dispersal_target_n_k_cutoff
#> 1 0.6448534
#> dispersal_target_n_k_threshold abundance_threshold
#> 1 0.6230523 21
#> initial_release density_max fecundity beta_Sa_winter
#> 1 48 244195 10 0.03850449
#> beta_Sa_summer Sj_multiplier beta_I2_modifier
#> 1 0.006361316 2.010013 0.4393239
#> mortality_Sj_winter mortality_Sa_winter
#> 1 0.8122868 0.6056517
#> mortality_Sj_summer mortality_I1j_summer
#> 1 0.2705237 0.01327702
#> mortality_I1j_winter mortality_I1a_summer
#> 1 0.04812851 0.01720863
#> mortality_I1a_winter mortality_I2_modifier recovery_I1
#> 1 0.05787949 0.3012527 0.01662016
#> recovery_I2 infected_t1 sample mortality_Sa_summer
#> 1 0.0005477506 19 1 0
#> mortality_I2j_summer mortality_I2j_winter
#> 1 0.00399974 0.01449885
#> mortality_I2a_winter mortality_I2a_summer
#> 1 0.01743635 0.005184147
#> mortality_Rj_summer mortality_Ra_summer
#> 1 0.2705237 0
#> mortality_Rj_winter mortality_Ra_winter
#> 1 0.8122868 0.6056517
In the poemsverse, generators are modules that can, given the right inputs, dynamically generate complex outputs for each simulation.
In epizootic
we can use dispersal generators to generate
dispersal rates among populations for each simulation. First, we will
create a SpatialCorrelation
object to make sure the
dispersal rates are realistically spatially correlated.
env_corr <- SpatialCorrelation$new(region = region,
amplitude = 0.99,
breadth = 850,
distance_scale = 1000)
env_corr$calculate_compact_decomposition(decimals = 4)
#> Warning: No coordinate reference system (CRS) specified:
#> assuming coordinates are in meters
Next, we will create a dispersal generator for adult dispersal. We are modeling adult and juvenile dispersal separately because in house finches, juveniles disperse more.
b_lookup <- data.frame(d_max = -Inf, b = 0:904)
for (i in 2:904) {
b_lookup$d_max[i] <- which.max(exp(-1*(1:1501)/b_lookup$b[i]) <= 0.19)
b_lookup$d_max[905] <- 1501
adult_dispersal_gen <- DispersalGenerator$new(
region = region,
spatial_correlation = env_corr,
distance_classes = seq(10, 1500, 10),
distance_scale = 1000, # km
dispersal_function_data = b_lookup,
inputs = c("dispersal_p_adult",
attribute_aliases = list(dispersal_r_adult = "dispersal_max_distance",
dispersal_p_adult = "dispersal_proportion",
dispersal_adult = "dispersal_data"),
decimals = 3
# This stage is computationally intensive
distance_matrix <- adult_dispersal_gen$calculate_distance_matrix()
#> Warning: No coordinate reference system (CRS) specified:
#> assuming coordinates are in meters
adult_dispersal_gen$calculate_distance_data(distance_matrix = distance_matrix)
And now we will create a dispersal generator for juveniles. Here we can reuse the distance data from the previous step because the distances among populations are always the same, regardless of whether the dispersers are adults or juveniles.
juvenile_dispersal_gen <- DispersalGenerator$new(
region = region,
spatial_correlation = env_corr,
distance_classes = seq(10, 1500, 10),
distance_scale = 1000, # km
dispersal_function_data = b_lookup,
decimals = 3,
inputs = c("dispersal_p_juv",
attribute_aliases = list(dispersal_r_juv = "dispersal_max_distance",
dispersal_p_juv = "dispersal_proportion",
dispersal_source_n_k_cutoff = "dispersal_source_n_k$cutoff",
dispersal_juv = "dispersal_data"),
decimals = 3
juvenile_dispersal_gen$distance_data <- adult_dispersal_gen$distance_data
Here will use a generator to create a carrying capacity (based on habitat suitability and maximum population density of house finches) and an initial abundance (initial abundance plus introduced infection in Washington, D.C.) for each simulation.
capacity_gen <- Generator$new(
description = "capacity",
region = region,
generate_rasters = FALSE,
time_steps = timesteps,
generative_requirements = list(
initial_abundance = "function",
carrying_capacity = "function"
inputs = c("density_max", "hs", "abundance", "infected_t1"),
outputs = c("initial_abundance", "carrying_capacity")
# Here we subset the habitat suitability raster to have only the region cells,
# and we add the burn in. Also, we tell the generator to generate the
# carrying_capacity based on "density_max" and "hs".
param = "carrying_capacity",
function_def = function(params) {
hs_matrix <- params$hs |> as.matrix() |>
_[params$region$region_indices, 1:params$time_steps]
hs_matrix[!is.finite(hs_matrix)] <- 0
# round the density values
round(params$density_max * hs_matrix)
call_params = c("density_max", "hs", "region",
# Here we tell the generator what function to use to generate initial_abundance
# based on the number of finches first infected in Washington, D.C.
param = "initial_abundance",
function_def = function(params) {
abundance <- params$abundance
infected_adults <- round(runif(1, 0, params$infected_t1))
infected_juv <- params$infected_t1 - infected_adults
abundance[3, 3531] <- infected_juv
abundance[4, 3531] <- infected_adults
call_params = c("abundance", "infected_t1")
test_capacity <- capacity_gen$generate(input_values = list(density_max = 186000, infected_t1 = 5, hs = habitat_suitability, abundance = initial_abundance))
main = "Initial abundance of susceptible juveniles",
colNA = "blue"
In epizootic
it is often convenient to manage
simulations using SimulationHandler
, an object that can
bring the model template, data frame of variable parameters, and
generators all into one place and make sure they interact smoothly.
can also run simulations in parallel,
though for this example we will run sequentially. You can change this
behavior by increasing the number of parallel_cores
handler <- SimulationHandler$new(
sample_data = sample_data,
model_template = model_template,
generators = list(juvenile_dispersal_gen,
parallel_cores = parallel_cores,
results_dir = tempdir()
sim_log <- handler$run()
#> [1] "1 of 1 sample models ran and saved results successfully"
The simulation log, sim_log
, can be examined for error
messages and failure indices if any of the simulations fail. There is
also a detailed simulation log created in the output directory.
Let’s take a look at the results of the simulation.
results <- qs::qread(file.path(tempdir(), "sample_1_results.qs"))
#> List of 3
#> $ all :List of 2
#> ..$ abundance : num [1:23, 1:2] 4.87e+08 5.40e+08 5.89e+08 6.38e+08 6.94e+08 ...
#> ..$ abundance_segments:List of 8
#> .. ..$ stage_1_compartment_1: num [1:23, 1:2] 3.55e+08 3.78e+08 4.10e+08 4.41e+08 4.82e+08 ...
#> .. ..$ stage_2_compartment_1: num [1:23, 1:2] 1.32e+08 1.62e+08 1.79e+08 1.96e+08 2.12e+08 ...
#> .. ..$ stage_1_compartment_2: num [1:23, 1:2] 2421 0 0 0 0 ...
#> .. ..$ stage_2_compartment_2: num [1:23, 1:2] 197 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> .. ..$ stage_1_compartment_3: num [1:23, 1:2] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> .. ..$ stage_2_compartment_3: num [1:23, 1:2] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> .. ..$ stage_1_compartment_4: num [1:23, 1:2] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> .. ..$ stage_2_compartment_4: num [1:23, 1:2] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ abundance : num [1:6355, 1:23, 1:2] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ abundance_segments:List of 8
#> ..$ stage_1_compartment_1: num [1:6355, 1:23, 1:2] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> ..$ stage_2_compartment_1: num [1:6355, 1:23, 1:2] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> ..$ stage_1_compartment_2: num [1:6355, 1:23, 1:2] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> ..$ stage_2_compartment_2: num [1:6355, 1:23, 1:2] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> ..$ stage_1_compartment_3: num [1:6355, 1:23, 1:2] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> ..$ stage_2_compartment_3: num [1:6355, 1:23, 1:2] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> ..$ stage_1_compartment_4: num [1:6355, 1:23, 1:2] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> ..$ stage_2_compartment_4: num [1:6355, 1:23, 1:2] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
As you can see here, the results generated by the simulation have a
lot of parts. The all
element provides a yearly summary of
the results, where each row is a year and each column is a season.
provides a total, while
gives a year/season summary
for each combination of life cycle stage and disease compartment, like
plot(y = results$all$abundance_segments$stage_1_compartment_2[, 1],
x = 1994:2016,
ylab = "Abundance", xlab = "Year",
main = "Juveniles Infected for the First Time (Summer)")
This time series shows the outbreak rapidly fizzling out. The output above, which showed no recovered individuals in subsequent timesteps, indicates that all the juveniles who acquired the disease died, halting its spread.
You can also get un-summarized, spatially explicit information.
gives the total abundance by year and
season for each population, and results$abundance_segments
breaks it down by life cycle stage and disease compartment. You can
visualize that like this:
region$raster_from_values(results$abundance_segments$stage_2_compartment_1[ , 23, 1]) |>
raster::plot(colNA = "blue", main = "Susceptible Adults in Summer 2016")
There are many possibilities for what you can do with these results.
You could make maps for each time step and glue them together into a gif
or video using gganimate
. You could use spatial statistics
to investigate how continuous or discontinuous the outbreak areas are.
You could use the Validator
object from the
package to perform pattern-oriented modeling on the
results. You can learn more about how to do that in the