P. Joser Atauchi & A. Townsend Peterson
is available from CRAN, so you can use
to get the current
released version. Current version was tested on Windows 11 and
OSX 15+.
The easiest way to use the development version on Windows or MacOS, is to install it from github:
To install from source-code, first install the Rcpp, RcppArmadillo,
and RcppEigen
package that heterogen
depends on:
And then continue based on the OS you are using.
On Windows, you need to first install Rtools to get a C++ compiler that R can use. You need a recent version of Rtools42.
On macOS, you can use xcode syntax from terminal via homebrew.
sudo xcode-select --install
and Fortran v11.5.
After installing dependencies, it can install heterogen
via remote from github .
if (!require('remotes')) install.packages('remotes')
is an R package made to create heterogeneity
layers as additional information in ecological niche models.
In this approach, whatever climate data can be used such as WorldClim, Chelsa, MerraClim, etc.
A complete set of raster layers was created to promote the use of spatial heterogeneity of environmental conditions. The datasets are available from Figshare Link.
At this time, the core of the functions are constantly modified in order to reduce the time of data processing (large dataset: 1Mx1M matrices). Stable version are available from CRAN.
Atauchi, P. Joser; Peterson, A.Townsend. (202X). Incorporating spatial environmental heterogeneity as additional information on environmental and spatial context in ecological niche models. Ecological Modelling, XXXX.
Atauchi, P. Joser; Peterson, A. Townsend (2023). A global dataset of Heterogeneity at high resolution. figshare. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.23903574.v2