The R package ‘survivalPLANN’ contains a variety of functions to estimate a survival neural network. The Partial Logistic Artificial Neural Networks (PLANN) are implemented, proposed by Biganzoli et al. (1998). S3 methods are included to evaluate the predictive capacities, as well as predictiions from new observations.
<- survivalPLANN(Surv(time, event) ~ sex + stade + delay, data=dataK, inter=30,
splann size=32, decay=0.01, maxit=200, MaxNWts=10000)
<- data.frame(sex=c(1,2), delay=c(0,0), stade=c(0,0))
<- predict(splann, newdata = dnew)
# Predictions for a men or a women with no delay at the diagnostic of non-agressive cancer
plot(c(0,pred$times/365.241), c(1,pred$predictions[1,]), ylab="Patient survival",
xlab="Post-diagnosis time in years", type="l")
lines(c(0,pred$times/365.241), c(1,pred$predictions[2,]), type="l", col=2)
To install the latest release from CRAN:
To install the development version from GitHub:
::install_github("chupverse/survivalPLANN") remotes
You can report any issues at this link.