This package provides a set of functions to solve Erlang-C model.
You can install the development version of ErlangC from GitHub with:
# install.packages("pak")
::pak("Damonsoul/ErlangC") pak
the example below shows how to calculate Erlang-C metrics.
erlang_c(100, lubridate::duration(30, "minutes"), lubridate::duration(180, "seconds"), lubridate::duration(20, "seconds"), 14)
#> $traffic_intensity
#> [1] 10
#> $wait_probability
#> [1] 0.1741319
#> $service_level
#> [1] 0.88835
#> $average_speed_of_answer
#> [1] "7.83593701177724s"
#> $immediate_answer_probability
#> [1] 0.8258681
#> $occupancy
#> [1] 0.7142857
The example below shows how to calculate the number of agents required for an Erlang-C model.
call_count = 100,
call_period = lubridate::duration(30, "minutes"),
avg_handle_time = lubridate::duration(180, "seconds"),
target_anser_time = lubridate::duration(20, "seconds"),
require_service_level = 0.8,
max_occupancy = 0.85,
shrinkage = 0.3,
max_agents = 200
)#> $traffic_intensity
#> [1] 10
#> $wait_probability
#> [1] 0.1741319
#> $service_level
#> [1] 0.88835
#> $average_speed_of_answer
#> [1] "7.83593701177724s"
#> $immediate_answer_probability
#> [1] 0.8258681
#> $occupancy
#> [1] 0.7142857
#> $agents
#> [1] 14
#> $process
#> traffic_intensity wait_probability service_level
#> [1,] 10 0.6821182 0.3896138
#> [2,] 10 0.4493882 0.640158
#> [3,] 10 0.2852705 0.7955948
#> [4,] 10 0.1741319 0.88835
#> average_speed_of_answer immediate_answer_probability occupancy
#> [1,] 122.78127684408s (~2.05 minutes) 0.3178818 0.9090909
#> [2,] 40.4449401868444s 0.5506118 0.8333333
#> [3,] 17.1162271821896s 0.7147295 0.7692308
#> [4,] 7.83593701177724s 0.8258681 0.7142857
#> agents
#> [1,] 11
#> [2,] 12
#> [3,] 13
#> [4,] 14
#> $agents_shrinked
#> [1] 20
the example below shows how to use the Shiny app for Erlang-C metrics.