Daily Weather Data

library(terra)  # for handling countries geometries
#> terra 1.7.83

Select GHCNd stations

The station inventory file of GHCNd is stored at https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/products/land-based-station/global-historical-climatology-network-daily. The function stations() can read from this source or from a local file, specified with filename. The inventory can also be downloaded to a file using download_inventory().

inventory_file <- download_inventory("~/Downloads/ghcn-inventory.txt")
stations <- stations(inventory_file, variables = "TMAX")
stations <- stations(variables = "TMAX")

By specifying variables = "TMAX" only the stations that recorded that variable are kept. Available variables implemented at the moment are precipitation (“PRCP”), minimum temperature (“TMIN”), and maximum temperature (“TMAX”).

Stations spanning a time range can be filtered easily.

stations <- stations[stations$startYear <= 1990, ]
stations <- stations[stations$endYear >= 2000, ]
#> # A tibble: 16,763 × 6
#>    station     latitude longitude variable startYear endYear
#>    <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>        <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 AE000041196     25.3     55.5  TMAX          1944    2024
#>  2 AEM00041194     25.3     55.4  TMAX          1983    2024
#>  3 AEM00041217     24.4     54.7  TMAX          1983    2024
#>  4 AFM00040938     34.2     62.2  TMAX          1973    2020
#>  5 AFM00040948     34.6     69.2  TMAX          1966    2021
#>  6 AFM00040990     31.5     65.8  TMAX          1973    2020
#>  7 AG000060390     36.7      3.25 TMAX          1940    2024
#>  8 AG000060590     30.6      2.87 TMAX          1940    2024
#>  9 AG000060611     28.0      9.63 TMAX          1958    2024
#> 10 AG000060680     22.8      5.43 TMAX          1940    2004
#> # ℹ 16,753 more rows

Spatial filters can also be easily applied. Spatial boundaries of countries can be downloaded from https://www.geoboundaries.org/ using the get_countr(couuntry_code = ...) function, where country_code is the ISO3 code.

italy <- get_country("ITA")

get_countries() can take several ISO3 codes to return a geometry of multiple countries.

stations <- filter_stations(stations, italy)
points(stations[, c("longitude", "latitude")], pch = 20, col = "dodgerblue")

Download daily timeseries

Daily timeseries for a station can be downloaded using the daily() function. In addition to the station ID, daily() needs start and end dates of the timeseries. These should be provided as strings with the format “YYYY-mm-dd”, e.g., “1990-01-01”.

daily_ts <- daily(
  paste("1990", "01", "01", sep = "-"),  # shorten a bit as example
  paste(stations$endYear[1], "12", "21", sep = "-"),
  variables = "tmin"
#> # A tibble: 12,740 × 4
#>    date       station      tmin tmin_flag
#>  * <date>     <chr>       <dbl> <chr>    
#>  1 1990-01-01 IT000016090  -6.1 ""       
#>  2 1990-01-02 IT000016090  -5.2 ""       
#>  3 1990-01-03 IT000016090  -6.7 ""       
#>  4 1990-01-04 IT000016090  -7   ""       
#>  5 1990-01-05 IT000016090  -7.2 ""       
#>  6 1990-01-06 IT000016090  -6.1 ""       
#>  7 1990-01-07 IT000016090  -6   ""       
#>  8 1990-01-08 IT000016090  -9   ""       
#>  9 1990-01-09 IT000016090  -5   ""       
#> 10 1990-01-10 IT000016090  -5.1 ""       
#> # ℹ 12,730 more rows

Multiple stations can also be downloaded at once. Too many stations will cause the API to fail.

daily_ts <- daily(
  paste("1990", "01", "01", sep = "-"),  # shorten a bit as example
  paste("1991", "12", "31", sep = "-"),  # shorten a bit as example
  variables = "tmin"
#> # A tibble: 29,114 × 4
#>    date       station      tmin tmin_flag
#>  * <date>     <chr>       <dbl> <chr>    
#>  1 1990-01-01 IT000016090  -6.1 ""       
#>  2 1990-01-02 IT000016090  -5.2 ""       
#>  3 1990-01-03 IT000016090  -6.7 ""       
#>  4 1990-01-04 IT000016090  -7   ""       
#>  5 1990-01-05 IT000016090  -7.2 ""       
#>  6 1990-01-06 IT000016090  -6.1 ""       
#>  7 1990-01-07 IT000016090  -6   ""       
#>  8 1990-01-08 IT000016090  -9   ""       
#>  9 1990-01-09 IT000016090  -5   ""       
#> 10 1990-01-10 IT000016090  -5.1 ""       
#> # ℹ 29,104 more rows
plot(daily_ts, "tmin")

Note the outliers, which are due to flagged records (see below).

Implmented variables are “tmin”, “tmax”, and “prcp”. daily() returns a table with the value of the variable chosen and associated flags.

Remove flagged records

Flagged records can be removed using remove_flagged(). In remove_flagged() the argument strict (dafault = FALSE) specifies which flags to include. Flags always removed are:

#> $D
#> [1] "duplicate flag"
#> $I
#> [1] "consistency flag"
#> $K
#> [1] "streak flag"
#> $M
#> [1] "mega flag"
#> $N
#> [1] "naught flag"
#> $R
#> [1] "lagged range flag"
#> $X
#> [1] "bounds flag"

Whereas setting strict = TRUE will cause additional flags to be removed.

#> $O
#> [1] "outlier flag"
#> $G
#> [1] "gap flag"
#> $L
#> [1] "multiday flag"
#> $S
#> [1] "spatial consistency flag"
#> $Z
#> [1] "Datzilla flag"

This will also remove the "*_flag=" column.

daily_ts <- remove_flagged(daily_ts)
#> Removing 9 flagged record(s):
#>  - 7 consistency flag(s)
#>  - 2 bounds flag(s)
plot(daily_ts, "tmin")

Temporal coverage

Coverage of the timeseries can be calculated using coverage().

station_coverage <- coverage(daily_ts)

The output is a table with coverage by month and year (monthly_coverage), by year (annual_coverage), and for the whole time period (period_coverage). annual_coverage is constant within the same year and year is always a constant. This table is useful to inspect stations that may have problematic timeseries, such as

station_coverage[station_coverage$annual_coverage_tmin < 0.5, ]
#> # A tibble: 192 × 6
#>    station      year month monthly_coverage_tmin annual_coverage_tmin
#>    <chr>       <dbl> <dbl>                 <dbl>                <dbl>
#>  1 IT000016232  1990     1                     0                    0
#>  2 IT000016232  1990     2                     0                    0
#>  3 IT000016232  1990     3                     0                    0
#>  4 IT000016232  1990     4                     0                    0
#>  5 IT000016232  1990     5                     0                    0
#>  6 IT000016232  1990     6                     0                    0
#>  7 IT000016232  1990     7                     0                    0
#>  8 IT000016232  1990     8                     0                    0
#>  9 IT000016232  1990     9                     0                    0
#> 10 IT000016232  1990    10                     0                    0
#> # ℹ 182 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: period_coverage_tmin <dbl>

Note that missing years are not shown and that year_coverage only calculates the number of years that have been covered. period_coverage calculates the coverage across the whole period, including missing years.

Monthly and annual timeseries, climatological normals

The functions monthly(), annual() nad normal() summarized the weather time series to monthly and annual time series and to climatological normal (long-term averages), respectively. Summaries are calculated as follows:

NAs are removed during calculation.

monthly_ts <- monthly(daily_ts)
#> # A tibble: 966 × 4
#>    station      year month  tmin
#>  * <chr>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 IT000016090  1990     1  -9  
#>  2 IT000016090  1990     2  -4.2
#>  3 IT000016090  1990     3  -3.5
#>  4 IT000016090  1990     4   0.9
#>  5 IT000016090  1990     5   7.5
#>  6 IT000016090  1990     6   7.5
#>  7 IT000016090  1990     7  12.9
#>  8 IT000016090  1990     8  15.4
#>  9 IT000016090  1990     9   7.7
#> 10 IT000016090  1990    10   0  
#> # ℹ 956 more rows
plot(monthly_ts, "tmin")

annual_ts <- annual(daily_ts)
#> # A tibble: 81 × 3
#>    station      year  tmin
#>  * <chr>       <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 IT000016090  1990  -9  
#>  2 IT000016090  1991 -12.5
#>  3 IT000016134  1990 -13.4
#>  4 IT000016134  1991 -21  
#>  5 IT000016232  1990  NA  
#>  6 IT000016232  1991  NA  
#>  7 IT000016239  1990  -2.4
#>  8 IT000016239  1991  -4  
#>  9 IT000016320  1990   0.4
#> 10 IT000016320  1991  -2  
#> # ℹ 71 more rows
plot(annual_ts, "tmin")

# normals <- normal(daily_ts) # to be implemented