KnockoffTrio: GWAS with Trio and Duo Data using Knockoff Statistics for FDR
Identification of putative causal variants in genome-wide association studies with trio and duo families. The package calculates the W feature statistics from KnockoffTrio and p-values from the family-based association test (FBAT) using trio and/or duo data. Compared to previous versions, a significant improvement has been made in Version 1.1.0 to allow the package to be applied not only to trio families but also to duo families. The package implements the methods in the paper: "Yang, Y., Wang, C., Liu, L., Buxbaum, J., He, Z., & Ionita-Laza, I. (2022). KnockoffTrio: A knockoff framework for the identification of putative causal variants in genome-wide association studies with trio design. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 109(10), 1761-1776."
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