To cite the PearsonICA package use:
1. Karvanen J, Koivunen V (2002). “Blind separation methods based on Pearson system and its extensions.” Signal Processing, 82(4), 663–673.
1. Karvanen J (2008). PearsonICA: Independent component analysis using score functions from the Pearson system. R package version 1.2-3.
Corresponding BibTeX entries:
@Article{, title = {Blind separation methods based on Pearson system and its extensions}, author = {Juha Karvanen and Visa Koivunen}, journal = {Signal Processing}, volume = {82}, number = {4}, pages = {663--673}, year = {2002}, url = {}, }
@Manual{, title = {PearsonICA: Independent component analysis using score functions from the Pearson system}, author = {Juha Karvanen}, year = {2008}, note = {R package version 1.2-3}, }